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5-day old |
10-day old |
COLONIES velvety, oliviaceous green to oliviaceous brown, with a greenish black reverse, ca. 2.5 cm diam when 5-day old and ca. 5.5 cm diam when 10-day old and grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at a room temperature.
Hyphae (h) septate, hyaline to light oliviaceous, smooth, 3.1-5.0 µm wide.
CONIDIOPHORES (cp) macronematous, semimacronematous, straight or flexuous, simple or branched, intercalary or terminal, smooth, sometimes verruculose, septate, up to 360 µm long and (2.8-)3.3-4.1(-4.7) µm wide, not geniculate nor nodose, apically truncate with 1-3 denticles, or sympodially denticulate, with scars at conidiogenous loci.
CONIDIA (c) in heads of densely crowded, profusely branched chains, oblong, limoniform, ellipsoid or fusiform with truncate ends, light olive, 0-1(2-3)-septate, smooth, (5.0-)5.8-6.8(-8.8) x (2.5-)2.93.1(-3.5) µm in the broadest part with prominent, protuberant, dark scar at each end. Ramoconidia cylindrical, pale olive, 0-1(-4)-septate, (7.5-)10.5-14.4(-22.5) x (2.5-)3.2-3.8(-5.4) µm.
SUBSTRATE AND DISTRIBUTION. Cladosporium cladosporioides commonly occurs on herbaceous and woody plants (Domsch et al. 1980). It is a stable component of populations of microorganisms of living all above-ground plant parts and seeds of different plant species (Blaszkowski 1994a-c, 1995; Domsch et al. 1980). It is also a widely distributed soil fungus (Domsch et al. 1980).
Cladosporium cladosporioides is a cosmopolitan fungus, especially in temperate climates (Domsch et al. 1980).
NOTES. Cladosporium cladosporioides frequently occurs on cereals and grasses, where it is, together with C. herbarum, associated with so-called "glume or black head mold" and "leaf mold" symptoms (Blaszkowski 1994a-c, 1995). Heavily colonized leaves and other plant parts are appreciably discoloured.
The pathogenicity of C. cladosporioides is not fully elucidated (Smith et al. 1988). Results of various studies suggest that the ability of C. cladosporioides to parasitize the plant hosts examined is generally limited. Under favourable conditions, isolates of this fungus were able to penetrate green, healthy leaves, but were mainly confined to sub-stromatal cavities and only a few host cells were killed.
Blaszkowski J. 1994. The occurrence of Septoria nodorum Berk. and associated mycoflora in seeds of wheat cultivated in the Szczecin voivodeship. Acta Mycol. 29, 43-52.
Blaszkowski J. 1994. The influence of foliar fungicides on the mycoflora of seeds of Triticum aestivum. Acta Mycol. 29, 141-145.
Blaszkowski J. 1994. The influence of fungicides on the mycoflora of leaves of Triticum aestivum L. Acta Mycol. 29, 147-157.
Blaszkowski J. 1995. Effects of foliar fungicides on the mycoflora of glumes of Triticum aestivum. Acta Mycol. 30, 41-48.
Domsch K. H., Gams W., Anderson T. 1980. Compendium of soil fungi. Acad. Press. London-New York-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco.
Smith I. M., Dunez J., Lelliott R. A., Phillips D. H., Archer S. A. 1988. European handbook of plant diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications.