LEAF SPOTS amphigenous, angular-irregular, 2-20 mm diam, sometimes elongated, up to 30 mm long, frequently vein-limited, confluent, with an indefinite margin or a diffuse yellowish halo.
CAESPITULI hypophyllous, punctiform, greyish white.
CONIDIOPHORES (cp) in small to moderately rich fascicles, arising from hyphal aggregations, divergent to dense, erect, straight, subcylindric to flexuous, moderately geniculate-sinuous, simple, aseptate or sparsely septate, hyaline, smooth, 10-60 x 1.5-5 µm.
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CONIDIA (c) catenate, occasionally in branched chains, ellipsoid-ovoid, cylindrical to fusiform, hyaline, smooth or almost smooth, 0-3-septate, (8-)10-30(-40) x (2-)2.5-5(-6) µm; ends obtuse, sometimes attenuated, obconically truncate; hila slightly thickened and darkened.
PLANT HOST AND DISTRIBUTION. Ramularia tanaceti occurs on different plant species of the genera Leucanthemum and Tanacetum (Asteraeae) growing in Central Asia and Europe (Braun 1998).
Braun U. 1998. A monograph of Cercosporella, Ramularia and allied genera. Vol. 2. IHW-Verlag.