Koske & Halvorson
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SPORES borne singly in the soil; yellowish-white (4A2) to golden-yellow (5B8); globose to subglobose; (110-)128(-155) µm diam; sometimes ovoid; 110-150 x 135-190 µm; with a single subtending hypha.
SUBCELLULAR STRUCTURE OF SPORES consists of one wall with three layers (swl1-3).
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In PVLG+Melzer's reagent
Layer 1 hyaline to orange-white (5A2), (0.7-)2.2(-4.6) µm thick, tightly adherent to layer 2, ornamented with thickenings or blister-like outgrowths, 3.1-5.9 µm high, irregularly distributed on the spore surface; layer 1 sometimes either highly deteriorated or completely sloughed from separated patches of the surface of old spores.Layer 2 rigid, yellowish-white (4A2) to golden-yellow (5B8), smooth or slightly wrinkled, (0.7-)1.7(-2.0) µm thick, usually detached from layer 3 in crushed spores.
Layer 3 laminate, smooth, hyaline, composed of very thin laminae, ca. 0.5 µm thick, easily separating from each other in crushed spores; (2.5-)7.7(-12.0) µm thick in intact spores, up to 15.7 µm thick after stratification of the laminae; darkening to golden yellow (5B8) and becoming compact in old spores (from 2-year-old cultures).Spore wall layers 1-3 form successively during the development of spores. None of the spore wall layers stains in Melzer's reagent.
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Wall of subtending hypha hyaline to yellowish white (4A2); (1.2-)1.8(-2.5) µm thick at the spore base; composed of three layers (shwl1-3), continuous with spore wall layers 1-3; layer 3 thinning for a distance of 4-10 µm below the spore base, and layer 1 is usually highly deteriorated or completely sloughed in older spores.
Pore occluded by a septum, 1.7-5.6 µm wide, continuous with the innermost lamina of spore wall layer 3.
GERMINATION. Not observed.
MYCORRHIZAE. The mycorrhizae produced by Gl. trimurales in one-species pot cultures with Plantago lanceolata L. as the plant host consisted of arbuscules, vesicles, as well as intra- and extraradical hyphae. Arbuscules were numerous, evenly distributed along the roots and stained violet-white (17A2) to bluish- violet (18A7) in 0.1% trypan blue. Vesicles were ellipsoid, 25-85 x 30-105 µm and stained pastel-violet (19A4) to greyish-violet (19C4) in trypan blue. Intraradical hyphae grew parallel to each other and to the root axis, were 2.7-9.3 µm and stained violet white (18A2). The hyphae frequently formed coils, especially at entry points. The coils were 12.0-13.7 x 25.6-31.1 µm and stained pastel-violet (18A4; when separated from the entry points) to deep violet (18E8; at the entry points).
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In roots of P. lanceolata
DISTRIBUTION. In Poland, spores of Gl. trimurales have been recovered from three trap cultures established using soil samples collected from under Corynephorus canescens (L.) P. B. (2 cultures) and Helicotrichon umbellatum (Hads.) Pilg. (1 culture) colonizing maritime sand dunes adjacent to Swinoujscie (53o55’N, 14o14’E) in north-western Poland (Błaszkowski et al. 2003). However, in the dunes, Gl. trimurales sporulated only when associated with roots of H. umbellatum (at an abundance of two spores in 100 g dry soil), as examination of spores isolated from field-collected rhizosphere soils of the two plant species indicated.
Glomus trimurales probably is an extremely rarely occurring species in the world. In Poland, it was revealed in only three of the about 2500 soil samples examined to date. This fungal species was not found in any of the almost 900 pot trap cultures with rhizosphere soils of maritime dune plants growing in 21 countries of the world, including those of Africa, Asia, Europe, and U.S.A. (Błaszkowski, pers. observ.). According to Koske (1987), Koske and Halvorson (1989) and Koske (pers. comm.), Gl. trimurales occurred rarely in sand dunes of New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia, but was the third most frequently recorded species in dunes of San Miguel Island.
NOTES. The most distinctive property of Gl. trimurales is its innermost hyaline, stratifying laminate layer 3. The yellowish-white to golden-yellow spore colour of this fungus comes mainly from the permanent spore wall layer 2. The lack of parts of the outermost layer 1 on the surface of some mature spores indicates this layer to be relatively long-lived, although it is not likely so permanent as an outermost layer of some other Glomus spp., e. g., Gl. pustulatum Koske et al. (Koske et al. 1986; Błaszkowski, pers. observ.).
The wall of subtending hypha of almost all the spores examined consists of only one layer continuous with the laminate spore wall layer 3. If present, the outermost layer and the middle layer of the subtending hyphal wall continuous with spore wall layers 1 and 2, respectively, are visible only very closely at the spore base.
The morphological properties of Gl. trimurales spores recovered from Poland generally correspond to those presented in the original description of this fungus (Koske and Halvorson 1989). The exceptions are only the properties of their outermost spore wall layer. Koske and Halvorson’s (1989) description suggests that the outermost wall layer of Gl. trimurales spores is a pale yellow to yellow brown, smooth, persistent, laminate layer. In contrast, in spores coming from Poland, this layer is much lighter coloured (colourless to orange white), ornamented with thickenings or blister outgrowths, more or less deteriorated in older spores; and lacks any sublayers (laminae). Colour of wall layers of spores of arbuscular fungi varies with their age and usually is darker in spores produced in the field (Bentivenga and Morton 1995; Morton 1995). The original protocol of Gl. trimurales (Koske and Halvorson 1989) suggests it to be made from field-collected spores.
In the Polish specimens, the blisters are best visible when intact, i. e., usually only in maturing or mature spores. With age, they gradually diminish or completely disappear because of their degeneration and sloughing. The blisters were infrequently visible on spores isolated from the field. Examination of Gl. trimurales spores received from Professor R. E. Koske revealed them to have a roughened surface, and the ruggedness present are probably remnants of deteriorated blisters. No sublayers in the outermost layer 1 of these spores were found. Finally, the laminae of the laminate innermost layer of some of the U. S. specimens of this fungus also are highly stratified, as in spores of this species coming from Poland. This distinctive property has not been given by Koske and Halvorson (1989). Of the known Glomus spp., probably only Gl. laccatum Blaszk. produces spores with so easily stratifying sublayers of their laminate wall layer (Błaszkowski 1988).
The darkly staining vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae of Gl. trimurales for the first time presented in this paper supports the membership of this fungus to the genus Glomus (Morton and Redecker 2001).
When seen under a stereoscope microscope, spores of Gl. trimurales most resemble those of Gl. pustulatum and Gl. versiforme (P. Karsten) S.M. Berch. The three fungi produce spores similar in colour and size, and the ornamentation of the surface of Gl. trimurales spores closely resembles that of Gl. pustulatum (Berch and Fortin 1983; Daniels and Trappe 1979; Koske et al. 1986).
Examination of spore wall structure readily separates the three fungi. The spore subcellular structure most markedly separating the fungi is their laminate layer. In Gl. trimurales, it is hyaline and easily stratifies due to its exceptionally loose sublayers. In contrast, the laminate layer of Gl. pustulatum and Gl. versiforme consists of tightly adherent, coloured laminae. Additionally, while the laminate layer in Gl. trimurales spores is the innermost layer in their 3-layered wall structure, that of Gl. versiforme is the second one in its 2-layered spores. The innermost layer of spores of Gl. pustulatum is a thin, flexible layer. Although the thickenings and outgrowths of the outermost layer of spores of Gl. trimurales and Gl. pustulatum are similar in appearance, size and distribution, they are formed by a hyaline to orange white layer in the former fungus and by a yellow brown to orange brown layer in the latter species. Additionally, none of the species considered in this comparison possesses the coloured, permanent layer 2 of Gl. trimurales spores.
Bentivenga S. P., Morton J. B. 1995. A monograph of the genus Gigaspora, incorporating developmental patterns of morphological characters. Mycologia 87, 719-731.
Berch S. M., Fortin J. A. 1983. Leptotypification of Glomus macrocarpum and proposal of new combinations: Glomus australe, Glomus versiforme, and Glomus tenebrosum (Endogonaceae). Canad. J. Bot. 61, 2608-2617.
Błaszkowski J. 1988. Four new species of the Endogonaceae (Zygomycotina) from Poland. Karstenia 27, 37-42.
Błaszkowski J., Adamska I., Czerniawska B. 2003. Glomus trimurales, an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomerales) new for Poland and Europe. Mycotaxon 87, 425-436.
Daniels B. A., Trappe J. M. 1979. Glomus epigaeus sp. nov., a useful fungus for vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal research. Canad. J. Bot. 57, 539-542.
Koske R. E. 1987. Distribution of VA mycorrhizal fungi along a latitudinal temperature gradient. Mycologia 79, 55-68.
Koske R. E., Halvorson W. L. 1989. Scutellospora arenicola and Glomus trimurales: two new species in the Endogonaceae. Mycologia 81, 927-933.
Koske R. E., Friese C., Walker C., Dalpé Y. 1986. Glomus pustulatum: A new species in the Endogonaceae. Mycotaxon 26, 143-149.
Morton J. M. 1995. Taxonomic and phylogenetic divergence among five Scutellospora species based on comparative developmental sequences. Mycologia 87, 127-137.
Morton J. B., Redecker D. 2001. Two families of Glomales, Archaeosporaceae and Paraglomaceae, with two new genera Archaeospora and Paraglomus, based on concordant molecular and morphological characters. Mycologia 93, 181-195.