The aim of the website presented here is to show some saprotrophic, pathogenic, and symbiotic fungi found in Poland. Most of the specimens presented were collected by the authors of this website, i. e., Iwona Adamska, Janusz Blaszkowski, Beata Czerniawska, Tadeusz Madej, and Elzbieta Ziolo. Fungi of the order Laboulbeniales come from the collection of Professor Dr. Hab. Tomasz Majewski, University of Agriculture, Warsaw.

The main entries of the website are "Methods", "Taxonomy", "Dictionary", and "Others".

The entry "Methods" characterizes the methods used to isolate and grow (if cultivable) the fungi collected, as well as those employed to preserve and storage of these fungi and the organs of their plant hosts. Additionally, the techniques used to determine shapes, dimensions, and colours of the properties characterized, as well as those applied to make photographs and vouchers are presented.

The entry "Taxonomy" contains a linked list of the fungal species characterized arranged according to their affiliation to a phylum and order. Each order is shortly characterized by its most distinguishing characters. The fungal species listed are classified according to Kirk et al. ( 2001).

The content of each page shows (1) the name of a species and its author(s); (2) disease symptoms when the fungus treated is a pathogen; (3) morphological characters of the most important components of the fungus characterized; (4) its habitat (substrate or plant host) of occurrence and distribution in the world; Latin names of the plant hosts listed come from Mirek et al. (1995); (5) comments on the life-cycle of the fungus discussed and favourable conditions for its development and dissemination; when the fungus presented is pathogenic, its economic importance is also showed; and (6) the literature cited.

The entry "Dictionary" includes definitions and explanations of the terms used. Many of them are illustrated.

The entry "Others" consists of two subentries. The subentry "What's new" will inform of the the news, supplements, and emendations incorporated in the future. Please, look at it every half a year. The next one, "Links", contains links to some of the most interesting other websites. They are, e. g., journals, institutions, or data bases.

The first edition of this website presents 102 fungal species. They are illustrated with over 2000 macro- and microphotographs. The 101 and 102 species announce the next "100", which will be served shortly. Please enjoy and relax!!!

Finally, we suggest to know the history of erection and the scientific and didactic activities of members of the Department of Plant Pathology, as well as the past and the present day of the city Szczecin. In the section "Department of Plant Pathology" students will find a link to the programs of lectures and classes realized in the Department.

The authors of the website will appreciate any comment and suggestion regarding the material presented. The corresponding author is Janusz Blaszkowski.


We would like to thank Professor Dr. Hab. Tomasz Majewski, University of Agriculture, Warsaw, for providing specimens of the order Laboulbeniales. Additionally, we thank all other persons who supplied us with some of the specimens presented here.

Flowers for you

Janusz Błaszkowski

15 March 2005

Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture



Kirk P. M., Cannon P. F., David J. C., Stalpers J. A. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby’s dictionary of the fungi. Ninth Edition. CAB International.

Mirek Z., Piekos-Mirkowa H., Zajac A, Zajac M. 1995. Vascular plants of Poland. A Checklist. Polish Botanical Studies, Guidebook 15, Kraków, 303 pp.