Puccinia arenariae

(Schum.) Wint.


AECIA unknown.

UREDINIA unknown.


TELIA (t) on the under under leaf surface and frequently on petioles, stems, and flower calyxes, protuberant, naked, persistent, not dusty, at first brown, later brown grey, up to 1 mm diam, dispersed or collected in small groups, up to 10 mm diam. On the upper leaf surface, directly above the telia, circular spots with pale brown to purple border appear.

TELIOSPORES (te) longitudinally elliptical or clavate, rounded or sharpened at the top, tapering towards the base, slightly constricted at the transverse septum, 30-50 x 12-18 µm.

Wall yellowish, smooth, thin at both sides, thickened up to 6 µm at the top.

Germ pores two, at the top in the upper cell, and at the transverse wall in the lower cell.

Pedicel pale yellowish, frequently over 100 µm long, persistent.

PLANT HOST AND DISTRIBUTION. Telia of P. arenariae develop on many members of different genera of the family Caryophyllaceae (Majewski 1979).

Puccinia arenariae is a cosmopolitan fungus.


Majewski T. 1979. Grzyby (Mycota) XI. Podstawczaki (Basidiomycetes), Rdzawnikowce (Uredinales) II. Warszawa-Kraków, 462 pp.