Septoria oenotherae West.

LEAF SPOTS at first olive green, later brown, with a narrow, red margin, subcircular to prolate, 2-10 mm diam, confluent with time.



PYCNIDIA (p) crowded on the lesions, immersed or slightly erumpent, subepidermal, unilocular, globose to subglobose, sometimes slightly flattened, 60-125 µm diam, yellow to dark brown, with a subcircular to elliptical ostiolum, 20-35 µm diam.

Wall (w) 5-7.5 µm thick, composed of thick-walled, yellow to brown, angular cells.

Conidiogenous cells (cc) phialidic, hyaline, sessile on the inner wall surface of pycnidia.

CONIDIA (c) hyaline, filiform, usually slightly curved, 2-4- septate, 25-50 x 1.5-2 µm.



PLANT HOST AND DISTRIBUTION. The plant host of the S. oenotheare specimens presented here was Oenothera biennis L. s.s. growing in Szczecin (53º26'N, 14º35'E; Adamska, pers. observ.). Other reports of the occurrence of S. oenotherae in Poland are those of Dominik (1963), Madej (1963), Mulenko (1989), and Wroblewski (1914). Kruszynski (1934) found this fungus near Lida (53o53', 25o18'E; Lithuania).


Dominik T. 1964. Notatki mikologiczne z lat 1945-1960. Zesz. Nauk. WSR Szczecin 10, 47-77.

Kruszynski R. 1934. Spis grzybow pasozytniczych zebranych w latach 1930-1931 w okolicach Lidy. Prace Tow. Przyj. Nauk w Wilnie. Wydz. Nauk Mat. i Przyr. 8, 1-17.

Madej T. 1963. Przyczynek do znajomoœci grzybów pasozytniczych wywolujacych choroby roslin. Zesz. Nauk WSR Szczecin 10, 79-88.

Mulenko W. 1988. Mikroskopowe grzyby fitopatogeniczne Pojezierza Leczynsko-Wlodawskiego. II. Acta Mycol. 24(2), 125-171.

Wroblewski A. 1914. Przyczynek do znajomosci grzybow Podola. Nakl. Akad. Umiej. Ksieg. Spolki Wyd. Pol. Krakow, 3-15.